social justice

Luckily I work for a company that is very much in tune with fairness and social justice within the company and around the world. From my learning experiences, I have been able to recognize how much injustice still exists all around me and take notice of how much more I could be doing. All of the selected artifacts and reflections have provided me with the chance to open my eyes to see when injustices are taking place. Above all else from these artifacts, stigmas exist everywhere and cause people to behave in ways that do not promote social justice. When people break down stigmas, then they are better able to accept people instead of fearing them. This has improved my professional identity by recognizing any biases I may have and working toward eradicating them. 


PSY 355 Module Five Milestone Template.docx

PSY-355 Gender and Social Roles

This assignment was selected due to its effects on me personally. Social and gender roles were discussed examining how we have evolved to have social roles based on our biological sex and how we are still fighting to equalize them. As a woman who has experienced the pressures of social roles and living up to them as passed down from my mother and other women in my life, I feel it's my responsibility to instill in my children how to continue to fight for social justice. While they may not struggle with the same inequality as their grandparents, injustices still exist. I want them to know the history of how it started and to know how to be a part of the solution. 


Does Race Play a Factor in Police Misconduct

PSY 260: Statistical Applications for the Behavior and Social Sciences - Project Two

PSY 215 Module Two Milestone Template.docx

PSY-215 Module Two Milestone

PSY 215 Module Six Activity Template.docx

PSY-215 Module Six Activity


2-1 Discussion Research Changes and Practices.docx

PSY-215 Research Changes and Practices Discussion

7-1 Discussion - Are Psychological Disorders Manifestations of Society and Culture.docx

PSY-215 Are Psychological Disorders Manifestations of Society and Culture?

Module 3 Journal Activity.docx

PSY-491 Module Three Journal Activity