Career connections

During my psychology degree program, I held a position at a global corporate where I functioned as a liaison between our graphic design department and the customers we served. This required plenty of social interactions and being able to understand their needs well enough to relay them to the team for execution. Throughout my time at SNHU, I've been exposed to many resources that have broadened my understanding of how psychology intertwined not only in my future endeavor but my current role as well. During my Theories of Personality course, PSY-328, I was able to reflect upon various aspects of personality which allowed me to better understand the needs of employees and how employers view them. For example, in the article "Cultivating Employee's Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" elaborated upon how employees whose needs were met affected their performance (Stewart et al., 2018; PSY-328 Module Four Journal). Other course have allowed me to develop research skills to recognize scholarly vs. non-scholarly articles to determine their credibility (PSY-222 Module Two Activity) while other course pushed me to understand the "Four D's" to understand a person's adaptive daily functioning (PSY-215 Module Five Milestone).  All of these courses have allowed me to relate psychology back to the workplace in order to make that career connection. 


PSY 215 Module Five Milestone Template.docx

PSY-215 Module Five Milestone

PSY 215 Module Eight Activity Template.docx

PSY-215 Module Eight Activity


PSY-222 Module Two Activity

Module 7 Journal Activity.docx

PSY-491 Module Seven Journal Activity


Listening to Chapreese's story about returning to school reminded me of why I quit college many years ago. Thankfully I was able to take advantage of an opportunity to return to school and complete my BA in Psychology even though it was nowhere close to where I started. I feel we all have moments in our past that we had to face just as Chapreese described in her story. Her story was one of many inspirations that pushed me to pursue a MA in Counseling and Therapy in order to become a therapist even if it will take up to seven years to make it happen.  


3-1 Discussion - Anxiety, Fear, and Stress.docx

PSY-215 Anxiety, Fear, and Stress Discussion

PSY 328 Module Four Journal Template.docx

PSY-328 Module Four Journal

Discussion 1.docx

PSY-375 Discussion One

After reading this initial discussion post for my Cognition class, I realize that some of the strengths I detailed are actually not worthy to brag about. Being able to multi-task may appear to be a skill, but really it means that I do not give things my full attention. This shortcoming was reflected in some of the results of cognition labs I completed during the course as well. Because of the results I witnessed during those labs, I will be more mindful of where my attention goes and be better able to bring it back when it drifts.