
PSY 375 Project One Template.docx

PSY-375 project one

This project was completed during my Cognition class which taught me the abilities and limitations of our mind and how we process information. This project was personal to me because I have been struggling with my son's ADHD for the past few years while also realizing that I do suffer from it as well. Being able to research various cognition studies that could possibly help people without the use of medication was very inspiring. The theme of this project applies to both emotional intelligence as well as self-care. Parents, teachers, or caregivers need to be aware of a child's needs in order to support them properly. They also need to be aware enough of their own emotional needs to provide themselves with adequate self-care in order to be the supportive adult in a child's life. So much of an adult's reaction has more to do with their emotional or cognitive state, than the behavior of a child they are reacting to. 

PSY 375 Project Two Template.docx

PSY-375 project Two

This project was selected due to a personal desire to understand why I can't seem to put my phone down. Researching various studies and learning how social media has impacted my cognition and behavior has allowed me to be more aware of my triggers in order to actively refrain from picking up my phone in order to check notifications that provide no real satisfaction.  My Cognition class has taught me that many of my behaviors are due to various cognitive functions that are being affected by my environment.  In order to improve any of these behaviors, I much use emotional intelligence in order to be more self-aware of how stimuli cause me to behave or how they can negatively affect my executive functions compared to other non-technological stimuli. 

PSY 355 Project One Template.docx

PSY-355 project one

This project was selected due to its discussion of how people are affected by groups. Our behavior is constantly being persuaded, manipulated, or influenced by group behavior. This project went into detail to describe how we are influenced by groups in various ways and how it affects us mentally either positively or negatively. Cognitive dissonance can occur- without us even realizing it. I chose to include this due to how it relates to emotional intelligence with how we manage to behave even with our tendencies to be influenced by group behavior. Being aware of how we can be affected provides us the ability to decide or determine if we are being subconsciously influenced by the group or not. This will allow us to either deviate or follow these behaviors. Emotional intelligence is a skill that needs to be incorporated into early education and throughout high school. Society is polarizing at drastic rates and it is only increasing. Understanding and exercising emotional intelligence is the only way to combat this. 

PSY 355 Project Two Template.docx

PSy-355 project two

This project was selected due to its discussion of implicit bias and stereotype threats. The research needed to elaborate on these topics has allowed me to reflect on the topic in a personal way. While I've been able to experience life from the viewpoint of someone in the majority, I can still relate to those in the minority due to my cultural and religious background. I am better able to recognize my own implicit bias and biases in others. In order to promote social justice by vocalizing instances of implicit bias and stereotype threats I witness, I will need to step out of my comfort zone in order to embody the DEI growth mindset this project allowed me to focus on. 

PSY 215 Project One Template.docx

PSY-215 Project One

PSY 215 Project Two Template.pptx

PSY-215 Project Two

PSY 328 Project One Template.docx

PSY-328 Project One

PSY 328 Project Two Template.docx

PSY-328 Project Two