Throughout the various courses, I've had the opportunity to reflect on ethical matters and then apply them in my current role. Learning about Abnormal Psychology was probably the most fascinating, but also challenged me to evaluate ethical practices. In the PSY-215 Discussion, I was able to work through various psychological situations in order to determine effective yet ethical treatment of the patients (PSY-215 Treatment Approaches for Psychological Disorders). Other projects such as the one from PSY-260, a statistics course, provided me the technical skills to compare data to determine if certain correlations were significant or not. While this was a more technical learning experience, we applied it to ethical situations such as in Project Two where I was comparing how warm conservatives felt towards homosexuals' right to marry (PSY-260 Project Two). By being challenged to apply ethical matters to various learning experiences, I have been able to evaluate ethical practices in my current place of employment.

Do Feelings of Warmth Toward Conservatives Affect
Their Approval for Same Sex Marriage
PSY 260: Statistical Applications for the Behavior and Social Sciences - Project Two

PSY-215 Treatment Approaches for Psychological Disorders Discussion